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Home » Government » Legislation


Department Details & Contact Info


Clerk of Council

Tanya Joseph


Phone: 440-201-1020


Message Department
Get in contact

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
2nd and 4th Tuseday of each month
12:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Oakwood Village Hall
24800 Broadway Avenue
Oakwood Village, OH 44146


Service and responsibility icon


Every Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in council chambers. However, Council does not meet while on summer recess (Fourth Tuesday of July and Second Tuesday of August). Council reconvenes the fourth Tuesday of August. Review council documents including Agenda, Ordinances, Council Newsletters, etc. to the right. Simply click on the item you wish to view. Posting of passed legislation can be found below, at Village Hall and Sam’s Club.
Voting for my Ward, Where do I vote?

The voting location for all five Wards in the Village of Oakwood is the Oakwood Community Center, 23035 Broadway Ave, Oakwood, OH 44146.


Legislation No.DescriptionLegislation
2025-11Second Amended Fire SOPs OrdinanceView Legislation
2025-9AT&T Tariff ChallengeView Legislation
2025-8Health Insurance - Anthem RenewalView Legislation
2025-7Govdeals AuthorizationView Legislation
2025-6Animal Control ConractView Legislation

Repealing Chapter 149 - Employment Provisions

View Legislation

Zoresco Truck Upfit

View Legislation

Liberty Ford Truck Ordinance

View Legislation

2025 Permanent Appropriations and Declaring an Emergency

View Legislation

Shirley A. Thompson resolution of condolences

View Legislation
2024-135Paylocity and EmergenciesView Legislation
2024-130SAFEBuilt ContractView Legislation
2024-133Tax Levies for 2024-2025View Legislation
2024-132Delores Maxine Johnson resolution of condolencesView Legislation
2024-131Trint Limited AgreementView Legislation
2024-127Tax Budget 2024View Legislation
2024-125Police CruisersView Legislation
2024-58Application for Community Development Block Grant programView Legislation
2024-57Application for CDSG GrantView Legislation
2024-56Potential Grant for the funding of capital infrastructure improvement projectsView Legislation
2024-53Richard Christian resolution of condolencesView Legislation
2024-52Charter Amendment Mayor ReplacementView Legislation
2024-51Joint improvements to Richmond RdView Legislation
2024-50 Joel Lewis Sr resolution of condolencesView Legislation
2024-49 J.C. Blade resolution of condolencesView Legislation
2024-47Mayor ReplacementView Legislation
2024-46Anthem ContractView Legislation
2024-45Atlantic Emergency Solutions Ordinance FinalView Legislation
2024-43Budget SubmissionView Legislation
2024-42Rec Marij finalView Legislation
2024-41Govdeals to sell by internet auctionView Legislation
2024-40Resolution for Police and Fire COVIDView Legislation
2024-39Larry Newell resolution of condolencesView Legislation
2024-36Budget AmendmentsView Legislation
2024-35Clerk SupervisionView Legislation
2024-34Alexander MCIP Agreement LegislationView Legislation
2024-33Tryon Road Pedestrian Safety TrailView Legislation
2024-32Joint Improvement Richmond RdView Legislation
2024-31Stormwater Sampling Contract finalView Legislation
2024-30Real Wisdom Remediation OrdinanceView Legislation
2024-29Anthony Pierre Scales - Resolution of CondolencesView Legislation
2024-28Oak Leaf ARPA Funds Acceptance Plan Preparation LegislationView Legislation
2024-27First Place Pavement Improvements Legislation CDBG-CDSG AcceptanceView Legislation
2024-26Animals Running At LargeView Legislation
2024-2511101 AmendmentView Legislation
2024-24Carrie Lee Sinclair Hawkins 2024 resolution of condolencesView Legislation
2024-23Broadway Avenue Sidewalk Easement LegislationView Legislation
2024-22Note OrdinanceView Legislation
2024-21A Resolution Of Condolences To The Family Of Laquan Narvell Evans LegislationView Legislation
2024-20Resolution of Condolences for David Winston TownsendView Legislation
2024-19Resolution of Condolences to Juanita WilliamsView Legislation
2024-18ODOT Road Salt ContractView Legislation
2024-17Directives to Oakwood Village Finance DirectorView Legislation
2024-16Schade Pay AdjustmentView Legislation
2024-15Budget LegislationView Legislation
2024-14Letter of ArrangementView Legislation
2024-13Waste Management AgreementView Legislation
2024-12Easter Egg DropView Legislation
2024-11Solon Jail AgreementView Legislation
2024-10Resolution of Condolences: Brenda Lavern Walker HudsonView Legislation
2024-9Resolution of Condolences: Clara Bow Estelle DavisView Legislation
2024-8Grant From Solid Waste DistrictView Legislation
2024-7Resolution of Condolences: Vivian Jean SmithView Legislation

Authorizing The Employment Of Samuel T. Oleary And The Law Firm Of Thrasher Dinsmore Dolan

View Legislation

Creating The Position Of First Assistant Law Director

View Legislation

Creating The Position Of First Assistant Law Director 

View Legislation
2024-4Sale Of Argo No Purchase AgreementView Legislation
2024-3CVE Engineering Rate UpdateView Legislation
2024-2Forbes Road Force Main RepairView Legislation
2024-1Resolution of Condolences To the Family of Willie ThomasView Legislation
2023-54Transfers and Additional AppropriationsView Legislation
2023-53Temporary Appropriation 2023View Legislation
2023-522023-52 Resolution Recognizing Reverend Claudie Williams jrView Legislation
2023-51Amended Oakwood Pkwy and Mt Zion Cir ChangeView Legislation
2023-50EMEK TIF FinalView Legislation
2023-49Federal Metal JCTC FinalView Legislation
2023-48Federal Metal CRA finalView Legislation
2023-47Federal Metal TIF finalView Legislation
2023-46Cardinal Starbucks TIFView Legislation
2023-45Cardinal Starbucks CRAView Legislation
2023-44DCOMM JCTC FinalView Legislation
2023-43Penske TIF finalView Legislation
2023-422023 - Police Cars StateView Legislation
2023-412024 - Tax RateView Legislation
2023-40Resolution of Condolences to the family of Mattie RobinsonView Legislation
2023-39OPWC Apply - Richmond Road ReconstructionView Legislation
2023-38OPWC Apply - Alexander Road Septic ConversionView Legislation
2023-37OPWC Apply - Tyron Road ResurfacingView Legislation
2023-36OPWC Apply - Broadway Ave ResurfacingView Legislation
2023-35Apply for 2024 Supplemental GrantView Legislation
2023-34Apply for 2024 Block GrantView Legislation
2023-32Amending Sections Relating To Composition Of Police DepartmentView Legislation
2023-31Resolution in Condolences to the family of Mary FowlerView Legislation
2023-30Resolution in commemoration of Eloise Hunts 75th BdayView Legislation
2023-29Change order for Vandra Bros Construction increasing contractView Legislation
2023-28Issuance and sale of NotesView Legislation
2023-27Resolution of condolences to the family of Elayne GoinsView Legislation
2023-26Tax BudgetView Legislation
2023-25Increasing contract for forbes-richmond pump stationView Legislation
2023-24Authorizing village engineer to prepare plansView Legislation
2023-23Authorizing twinsburg to apply to ohio publicView Legislation
2023-22Clerk of Council AppointmentView Legislation
2023-21NEORSD Forbes Pump Station I I Cost-ShareView Legislation
2023-20NEORSD Garden Road Backflow Preventors Cost-ShareView Legislation
2023-19Clerk of Council AppointmentView Legislation
2023-18CBSG Grant Tryon Pedestrian TrailView Legislation
2023-17Alecander Septic Conversion Project NEORSD GrantView Legislation
2023-16Grant Retirement AppreciationView Legislation
2023-15FOP 2023-2025 ContractView Legislation
2023-14Assistant Clerk of Council 2023 - AmendedView Legislation
2023-12Egg Drop AppropriationsView Legislation
2023-11Senate Bill 576 Railway Safety ActView Legislation
2023-10CCSWD Shred Day Grant AcceptanceView Legislation
2023-9April as Child Abuse Prevention MonthView Legislation
2023-8Permanent Appropriations LegislationView Legislation
2022-742023 AppropriationsView Legislation
2023-02Planning ReferralView Legislation
2022-75Temp BudgetView Legislation
2022-73Vet Center CRAView Legislation
2022-72Vet Center TIFView Legislation
2022-71WMO TIFView Legislation
2022-70Sam's Club TIFView Legislation
2022-69DCOMM TIFView Legislation
2022-68AGMET TIFView Legislation
2022-67Reflections CRAView Legislation
2022-66Reflections TIFView Legislation
2022-64Walton Hills TerminationView Legislation
2022-65Safety Company JCTCView Legislation
2022-63Tryon Road IIView Legislation
2022-62Bedford Heights DispatchView Legislation
2022-61CDBG TryonView Legislation
2022-60CDSG TryonView Legislation
2022-59ARPAView Legislation
2022-58Pearson CondolenceView Legislation
2022-57Cape CodView Legislation
2022-56Reid CondolenceView Legislation
2022-55Service TractorView Legislation
2022-54Stewart CondolenceView Legislation
2022-53Port AuthorityView Legislation
2022-47McBee TIFView Legislation
2022-52Infrastructure GrantView Legislation
2022-51Noxious WeedsView Legislation
2022-50Tax LevyView Legislation
2022-49Talley CondolenceView Legislation
2022-48Hazard MitigationView Legislation
2022-46Bogucki AppreciationView Legislation
2022-45Opioid SettlementView Legislation
2022-44Merriweather CondolenceView Legislation
2022-43Caviness CondolenceView Legislation
2022-42Note SaleView Legislation
2022-412023 Alternate Tax BudgetView Legislation
2022-40Road Repair BidsView Legislation
2022-39Opt Out Plastic Bag BanView Legislation
2022-38Thompson D. CondolenceView Legislation
2022-37Police TahoesView Legislation
2022-36Silver-Davis CondolenceView Legislation
2022-35ADA Sidewalk Curb RampsView Legislation
2022-34Traore CongratulationsView Legislation
2022-33Stewart CondolenceView Legislation
2022-32Waste Management TIFView Legislation
2022-31Municipal Clerks WeekView Legislation
2022-30Stormwater ServiceView Legislation
2022-29NOPEC GrantView Legislation
2022-28Power a Clean OhioView Legislation
2022-27Byrd CondolenceView Legislation
2022-26Wired 2 WorkView Legislation
2022-24Waste ManagementView Legislation
2022-252022 AppropriationsView Legislation
2022-23Solon RoadView Legislation
2022-22Salt ContractView Legislation
2022-21Collins-Smith CondolenceView Legislation
2022-20Child Abuse AwarenessView Legislation
2022-15CVE ContractView Legislation
2022-8Law Director AppointmentView Legislation
2022-19Recycling GrantView Legislation
2022-18Severe Weather AwarenessView Legislation
2022-17Ager CondolenceView Legislation
2022-16Whitted CondolenceView Legislation
2022-14 Mizsak CondolenceView Legislation
2022-13Teele CondolenceView Legislation
2022-12Premier TerminationView Legislation
2022-11KrogerView Legislation
2021-50AMcBee CRAView Legislation
2022-10Patterson CondolenceView Legislation
2022-9Freeman CondolenceView Legislation
2022-4Traffic Offenses CodifiedView Legislation
2022-3General Offenses CodifiedView Legislation
2022-7 Solon Jail ContractView Legislation
2022-6Craine CondolenceView Legislation
2022-5Thompson CondolenceView Legislation
2022-2Rogers' AppreciationView Legislation
2022-1Fowler CondolenceView Legislation
2021-87Sam's TIFView Legislation
2021-86Sam's CRAView Legislation
2021-85Ohio CAT CRAView Legislation
2021-84Vet Center TIFView Legislation
2021-83Vet Center CRAView Legislation
2021-82ViewRay CRAView Legislation
2021-81ViewRay TIFView Legislation
2021-8025% BudgetView Legislation
2021-79AppropriationsView Legislation
2021-782022 CDBGView Legislation
2021-772021 CDBGView Legislation
2021-74Drones & UAVsView Legislation
2021-76Ivory CondolenceView Legislation
2021-73Corrective OrdinanceView Legislation
2021-72Corrective OrdinanceView Legislation
2021-04Premier TIFView Legislation
2021-69Asphalt WorkView Legislation
2021-57Retire/RehireView Legislation
2021-68Stormwater Awareness WeekView Legislation
2021-63Employee HandbookView Legislation
2021-67Jackson CondolenceView Legislation
2021-66Tax LeviesView Legislation
2021-65Noxious WeedsView Legislation
2021-64Oakleaf/Solon RoadsView Legislation
2021-62TahoeView Legislation
2021-61Pressure washerView Legislation
2021-60Rescue PlanView Legislation
2021-59Murphy CondolencesView Legislation
2021-58Dunnigan BirthdayView Legislation
2021-55BondsView Legislation
2021-54 Sears SaleView Legislation
2021-53 Finance BudgetView Legislation
2021-52 Safebuilt, LLCView Legislation
2021-51aOpioid SettlementView Legislation
2021-50Community ReinvestmentView Legislation
2021-46Fair Oaks Resurfacing and Signal ProjectView Legislation
2021-41Juneteenth HolidayView Legislation
2021-38Police Radios EquipmentView Legislation
2021-37Thomas CondolencesView Legislation
2021-36Schill 7255 Free Avenue TIFView Legislation
2021-35Schill - 7255 Free Avenue CRAView Legislation
2021-34Ohio CAT TIFView Legislation
2021-33McBee -= Oakwood Center LLC Xfer and Re-xferView Legislation
2021 Legislation SheetView Legislation
2021-32ADA Change Order Phase IIView Legislation
2021-31Change Order 1 ADA Village Hall RMHView Legislation
2021-30Sledge CondolencesView Legislation
2021-28Williams CondolencesView Legislation
2021-29McBee Refer to PC Xfer and RexferView Legislation
2021-27Solon Road Agreement-CountyView Legislation
2021-26Board of Developmental Disabilities GrantView Legislation
2021-25Solid Waste District Recycling GrantView Legislation
2021-23Salt ContractView Legislation
2021-24NOPECView Legislation
2021-22Land Purchase-FAILEDView Legislation
2021-212021 Permanent AppropriationsView Legislation
2021-20Four Corners Richmond/Shepard/Broadway IntersectionView Legislation
2021-19Vacating South Lane PropertyView Legislation
2021-18Premier Transfer & Retransfer PropertyView Legislation
2021-17Fouche Land PurchaseView Legislation
2021-16Saunders condolencesView Legislation
2021-15 Resolution to PC Premier Transfer & RetransferView Legislation
2021-14Resolution to PC Sell 795-07-104 & 105 FoucheView Legislation
2021-13Resolution to PC Vacating South LaneView Legislation
2021-12Oakwood Center LLC Development AgreementView Legislation
2021-11Premier Project Development AgreementView Legislation
2021-05Interstate-McBee CRAView Legislation
2021-03Premier CRAView Legislation
2021-02Coats CondolencesView Legislation
2021-01Ruffin CondolencesView Legislation
2020 Legislation SheetLegislation Sheet 2020View Legislation
2020-100SB 334 Juneteenth Legal HolidayView Legislation
2020-992021Temporary AppropriationsView Legislation
2020-982020 Transfers and AppropriationsView Legislation
2020-97Stormwater MOU - NOERSD - CCSWCD Phase II 2021View Legislation
2020-93CDSG GrantView Legislation
2020-96ChickensView Legislation
2020-95CDBG Grant Broadway ADA Ramps SidewalksView Legislation
2020-94Tinkers Creek MOUView Legislation
2020-92Jackson AppreciationView Legislation
2020-91Johns CondolencesView Legislation
2020-90Hawkins CondolencesView Legislation
2020-89House Bill 308View Legislation
2020-88Garden Hickory Sanitary Sewer ProjectView Legislation
2020-872019 Pavement Repairs Change Order No 1View Legislation
2020-86Forbes Road ImprovementView Legislation
2020-85Fair Oaks OPWCView Legislation
2020-84Druso CondolencesView Legislation
2020-84Druso CondolencesView Legislation
2020-83Scimone CondolencesView Legislation
2020-82White CondolencesView Legislation
2020-81Broadway Avenue ImprovementView Legislation
2020-80Premier Resale PropertyView Legislation
2020-79Road RepairsView Legislation
2020-78Tax RatesView Legislation
2020-77Noxious WeedsView Legislation
2020-76Fire Truck Plow Radio Lights EquipmentView Legislation
2020-75Forbes RoadView Legislation
2020-74Womack CondolencesView Legislation
2020-73Notes $50,000 Forbes RoadView Legislation
2020-72Salt Bin ConstructionView Legislation
2020-71Vosecky ResolutionView Legislation
2020-70Corradino ResolutionView Legislation
2020-69Notes $2,080.000View Legislation
2020-68John Lewis ResolutionView Legislation
2020-67Matlock CondolencesView Legislation
2020-66Petitti AppreciationView Legislation
2020-65Levin CommendationView Legislation
2020-64Merchant CommendationView Legislation
2020-63 Forbes Road Pump StationView Legislation
2020-62County Road Maintenance AgreementView Legislation
2020-61Tax Budget 2021View Legislation
2020-60Cunningham CondolencesView Legislation
2020-59NOPEC GrantView Legislation
2020-58Janie Freeman CondolencesView Legislation
2020-55Brown CondolencesView Legislation
2020-57Declaring Systemic Racism Public Health CrisisView Legislation
2020-56Charter Change 10.02 (Failed)View Legislation
2020-47Charter Change 7.07 Council TermsView Legislation
2020-51Charter Change 8.04 At-Will EmploymentView Legislation
2020-49Charter Change 7.14 PostingsView Legislation
2020-48Charter Change 7.13 Three ReadingsView Legislation
2020-46Charter Change 6.05 Elected Office CandidateView Legislation
2020-45Charter Change 6.01 Primary ElectionsView Legislation
2020-44Charter Change 10.06 Civil ServiceView Legislation
2020-43Perry HVYCView Legislation
2020-42Perry, Anyah HVYCView Legislation
2020-42Akins  Anyah HVYCView Legislation
2020-41Akins AJ HVYCView Legislation
2020-39CARES ActView Legislation
2020-38Southerly Light Industrial Alexander MacedoniaView Legislation
2020-37Northerly Production Distribution North LaneView Legislation
2020-36 Petitti Garden Center CRAView Legislation
2020-35Petitti Garden Center TIFView Legislation
2020-34Village Hall ADA CDBGView Legislation
2020-33Jackson CondolencesView Legislation
2020-32Emergency Coronavirus Package #4View Legislation
2020-31Harris CondolencesView Legislation
2020-29Salt ContractView Legislation
2020-30Notes $1.1 MView Legislation
2020-282020 Permanent AppropriationsView Legislation
2020-27Apostolic Church of Christ CongratulationsView Legislation
2020-26Fine Arts Center - Mt. Zion DisasterView Legislation
2020-25Rock the House CRAView Legislation
2020-24Quality Inn VANSHH TIFView Legislation
2020-23Quality Inn VANSHH CRAView Legislation
2020-22Building and Mayor Vehicles Purchase LeaseView Legislation
2020-21McDonalds NAVCO TIFView Legislation
2020-20McDonalds NAVCO CRAView Legislation
2020-19Federal Metal TIFView Legislation
2020-18Federal Metal CRAView Legislation
2020-17Bugarcic TIFView Legislation
2020-15Nichols CRAView Legislation
2020-13CC SWCD PIPE 2020-2024View Legislation
2020-14Community Recycling Awareness GrantView Legislation
2020-16Bugarcic Market CRAView Legislation
2012-53Rental Property LicenseView Legislation
2019-55Landbank SaleView Legislation
2019-812020 Temporary AppropriationsView Legislation
2020-01Bush CondolencesView Legislation
2020-02Klonowski CondolencesView Legislation
2020-03Bedford Jail Contract AgreementView Legislation
2020-04Gibbs CondolencesView Legislation
2020-05Police Cars-State Contract Purchase/LeaseView Legislation
2020-06NEORSD SWCD Stormwater MOUView Legislation
2020-07Early CondolencesView Legislation
2020-08Goins CondolencesView Legislation
2020-09Burks CondolencesView Legislation
2020-10Macon CondolencesView Legislation
2019-802019 Transfers and Additional AppropriationsView Legislation
2020-11NEORSD Cost ShareView Legislation
2019-79Pick Up Truck - Service DeptView Legislation
2020-12Tinkers Creek Watershed PartnersView Legislation
2019-77CDSG GrantView Legislation
2019-73Codified UpdateView Legislation
2019-71Tax AdvancesView Legislation
2019-72CDBG Grant ADA Village HallView Legislation
2019-70Hunziker CondolencesView Legislation
2019-69NOPEC Energize GrantView Legislation
2019-68 Bedford City School PropertyView Legislation
2019-67Noxious Weeds to CountyView Legislation
2019-66Warren CondolencesView Legislation
2019-76North Lane Production DistributionView Legislation
2019-75 Premier Alexander MacedoniaView Legislation
2019-65 Henderson CondolencesView Legislation
2019-64Cisco Telephone SystemView Legislation
2019-63Equipment PurchasesView Legislation
2019-62Petitti AppreciationView Legislation
2019-61Vaccarina PropertyView Legislation
2019-60Tax LeviesView Legislation
2019-59Hubbard CondolencesView Legislation
2019-58Ohio Public Works Grant (OPWC)View Legislation
2019-57Hladky AppreciationView Legislation
2019-56Divison Street Purchase ROWView Legislation
2019-55Landbank PurchasesView Legislation
2019-54RoadsView Legislation
2019-53NotesView Legislation
2019-51White CondolencesView Legislation
2019-48Columbus Road ImprovementView Legislation
2019-47Walden CondolencesView Legislation
2019-46Feldman CongratulationsView Legislation
2019-52Tanner condolencesView Legislation
2019-50Chanel (Removed from Agenda)View Legislation
2019-49SolicitationView Legislation
2019-45Grass and Yard MaintenanceView Legislation
2019-44Community Park UseView Legislation
2019-43Foreman-Nelson CondolencesView Legislation
2019-42Dog OrdinanceView Legislation
2019-41Oakwood Lab Tax CreditView Legislation
2019-40Community Center Fees and FormsView Legislation
2019-332020 Tax BudgetView Legislation
2019-39PC-BCSD-Tartabini Chage from PF to OLView Legislation
2019-38Tartabini Refer to PCView Legislation
2019-37Fowler CondolencesView Legislation
2019-36OG-CVE-Rezoning PC ApprovalView Legislation
2019-35Refer OG CVE Rezoning to PCView Legislation
2019-34Charter Change Storage and DistributionView Legislation
2019-32NotesView Legislation
2019-31US Congress Lower Drug PricesView Legislation
2019-30Fire Squad CotView Legislation
2019-29Peterson CondolencesView Legislation
2019-28Hambrick-Joyner CondolencesView Legislation
2019-27Bogucki CondolencesView Legislation
2019-26B & B Launch Home InsteadView Legislation
2019-25Refer Prohibit Storage & Distrubtion to PCView Legislation
2019-24Road Salt Participation AgreementView Legislation
2019-23Permanent Appropriations 2019View Legislation
2019-22Ward 4 Exterior Maintenance ApplicationView Legislation
2019-21Spencer CondolencesView Legislation
2019-20Easter Egg DropView Legislation
2019-19Community Recycling Awareness GrantView Legislation
2019-18Community Center Fees UpdateView Legislation
2019-17Davis CondolencesView Legislation
2019-16Credit Card PolicyView Legislation
2019-15Charter Amendment Video Audio RecordingView Legislation
2019-14MOUC CC-BOH StormwaterView Legislation
2019-13NEORSD  Cost Share AgreementView Legislation
2019-12Stormwater MOU NEORSD & SWCDView Legislation
2019-11Reed CommendationView Legislation
2019-10Recycling IncreasesView Legislation
2019-09CRA AmendmentView Legislation
2019-08Cuyahoga County Solid Waste PlanView Legislation
2019-07Animal WardenView Legislation
2019-06MOU-CC-BOH StormwaterView Legislation
2019-04Gibbs CondolencesView Legislation
2019-78Richardson CondolencesView Legislation
2019Legislation Sheet 2019View Legislation
2020Legislation SheetView Legislation
2019-74Youth Council AmendmentView Legislation
2017Legislation SheetView Legislation
2018Legislation SheetView Legislation
2016Legislation SheetView Legislation
2015Legislation SheetView Legislation
2014Legislation SheetView Legislation
2013Legislation SheetView Legislation
2012Legislation SheetView Legislation
2011Legislation SheetView Legislation
2010Legislation SheetView Legislation
2009Legislation SheetView Legislation
2008Legislation SheetView Legislation
2007Legislation SheetView Legislation
2006Legislation SheetView Legislation
1 MotionHB-9 Public Meetings Public Records TrainingView Legislation



To view the current listing of all Council Members for Oakwood Village, click on the link below


Clerk of Council

Tanya Joseph
Phone: 440-201-1020


Message Department
Get in contact

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
12:00 pm – 9:00 pm


Oakwood Village Hall
24800 Broadway Avenue
Oakwood Village, OH 44146



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